Receive our free Wil-Do Math video to prep for your GED!

Know what kind of questions to expect in the Math section of the GED exam and get the foundational knowledge you need to answer them.

Want to get your GED?
youโ€™re not alone

  • 1.3 million students drop out of high school yearly
  • Only 600k high school students take the GED® Test a year
  • Over his or her lifetime, a high school dropout
    will earn approximately $200,000 less than a high school
    graduate and almost one MILLION dollars less than
    a college graduate.

Welcome to GED Mathematics!

The more you practice and prepare for your GED Mathematics,
the more you'll find you're learning
and that will give you the confidence to really do well. 


After this video experience, you'll see that you really can take on the GED!

Hi, my name is Wilfredo,

founder of Wil-Do Academy.

My path to success was not a straight line.

As a high school dropout who grew up in inner Philadelphia, I know what it’s like to try and make it in this world without a high school diploma.

After attending night school, I was able to get my GED at the age of 19 and go on to become the successful entrepreneur that I am today.

However, the most important things I’ve learned along the way were that it’s NEVER TOO LATE to get your degree, and that the most important investment you can make is in your education.

Material success will always follow.

I created Wil-Do Academy to give people just like me a chance at leading the lives they deserve by empowering them to get the degree they need.

With the help of professional educators, I have designed a five-part online course to help you ace the GED® Test and build the future you’ve always dreamed of.

Receive our free Wil-Do Math video to prep for your GED!

Know what kind of questions to expect in the Math section of the GED exam and get the foundational knowledge you need to answer them.